Where does our water come from?
The Oak Bluffs Water District receives water from four supply sources, the Lagoon Pond Well, the Farm Neck Well, the State Forest well, and the Madison Alwardt Sr. Well. All four sources are groundwater-supplied from the Island's sole source aquifer.
Aquifer is the name given to underground soil or rock through which groundwater can easily move. An aquifer is recharged from rainwater and snowmelt, and from lakes and rivers.
With careful use, and by reducing sources of pollution, such as seepage from landfills, septic tanks, leaky underground fuel tanks and sometimes fertilizers and pesticides, groundwater will continue to be an important natural resource.
Lagoon Pond Well, (Well #1), off Barnes Road, consists of 7 gravel-packed wells. Combined, they are capable of pumping 850 gallons per minute. (gpm).
Farm Neck Well, (Well #2), on Tradewinds road, consists of 2 gravel-packed wells, put into operation in 1972. Combined, they are capable of pumping 600 gallons per minute (gpm).
State Forest Well (Well#3), off Airport Road, consists of a single gravel packed well, put into operation in 1987. It is capable of pumping 1000 gallons per minute.

Madison Alwardt Sr. Well (Well #4) off Airport Road, consists of a single gravel-packed well, put into operation in 2003. It is capable of pumping 1000 gpm.
This water system is interconnected with the Edgartown water system. In the event of a water emergency, the Oak Bluffs water system can be fed by the Edgartown system.
Well #5 , John H. Randolph, Jr, is capable of pumping 600 gpm.